Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extractions Near You

Broken teeth, tooth decay, damage, and several other issues could be causing you severe pain in your mouth. A simple filling or crown can solve the problem in some cases; however, this solution is not always the most effective.

A tooth extraction is required when the damage is beyond repair. One or multiple teeth are removed from their socket in your jawbone during this procedure. Simple and surgical extractions are the two most common procedures performed by our dentist in Spruce Grove. How do these two procedures differ? Continue reading to find out about teeth extraction near you.

teeth extraction in spruce grove

Simple Extractions:

Our dentist will perform a simple extraction in Spruce Grove, AB when your teeth are visible in your mouth. He or she can complete this surgery without requiring incisions to be made or special techniques to be used.

Using a dental tool called an elevator, they will loosen the infected tooth. To grip the tooth and remove it from its socket, they will use a second dental tool called forceps. A tooth extraction can relieve pain and help you have a more functional smile. Contact Blossom Family Dental for tooth extractions in Spruce Grove, AB.

Surgical Extractions:

Our dentist will perform a surgical extraction when your teeth have been blocked from breaking through your gums (impacted teeth). Note, some impacted teeth will require partial removal or no removal at all. This is a more complicated extraction when compared to a simple extraction. Our dentist will administer sedation or anesthesia. He or she will then create a small incision into your gum to expose the infected tooth and remove it.

Removal of the surrounding bone is also required in some cases. The following factors will determine how long teeth extraction in Spruce Grove takes to complete:

  • The length and curvature of the tooth’s root(s).
  • The tooth’s position.
  • The thickness of the surrounding bone.
  • Your physical health.

Whether your tooth is removed with a simple or surgical extraction, will depend on the shape, size, and position of it. Do you require a tooth extraction in Spruce Grove? Blossom Family Dental offers tooth extractions near you.

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction in Spruce Grove, AB?

The primary reasons for a tooth extraction include extremely broken teeth or decayed teeth that cannot be repaired through other dental procedures. A tooth extraction may also be required if:

  • Your teeth become loose due to a sports-related dental injury.
  • Your child’s primary (baby) teeth have not fallen out in time for the eruption of their adult teeth.
  • Your wisdom teeth have not fully erupted and are causing pain and other issues.
  • You are receiving orthodontic treatment and must make room in your mouth for the realignment of your teeth.