How to Best Prepare for the Dental Checkup?

how to best prepare for a dental checkup

Regular visits to a dental clinic in Spruce Grove are vital for anyone wanting to maintain their oral health for as long as possible. Oral hygiene is essential, and even if you maintain an excellent oral hygiene routine of regular daily brushing and flossing, there is a chance that oral issues such as cavities can be present and go undetected without a dental checkup. When preparing for your next dental checkup at Blossom Family Dental, here are a few things you should consider before your appointment.

1. New Patients

If you are a new patient of ours, it will help if you call your previous dental office and ask them to send over your dental records, including a history of restorative dentistry procedures and x-rays. This makes it easier for our dentist to address your needs. As well, many insurance companies require this information for billing purposes.

2. Online Patient Forms

While filling out forms can seem like a pain, it usually only takes a few minutes of your time and is easier than ever. As mentioned above, it is super helpful for our dentist to have access to up-to-date information on which medications you are on and any changes in your medical history. With the current Covid-19 situation, each patient must complete a quick health screening before their visit. Taking just a few minutes to fill out these forms before your appointment at Blossom Family Dental will make the process much smoother for our entire team.

3. Insurance Arrangements

If your dental insurance plan has changed, contact our dental clinic near you with the new information before your dental checkup to update your information and ensure we can direct the bill to that company. If you are planning on having an extensive procedure done and will require a payment plan, discuss this before your appointment as well.

4. Do Your Research

If you are looking for a new dentist, you must research to find a dental clinic that will address all your needs. One of the easiest ways to do this is to ask your friends and family for recommendations for a dentist they love. For instance, it would be good to find a dental clinic that offers children’s dentistry in Spruce Grove if you have children. You can also do a quick Google search for dental clinics near you and explore websites to see what services they offer and what patients have to say about the level of care.

5. Your Next Appointment

Once you have completed your dental visit at Blossom Family Dental, you will check out at the front desk. At that time, you can ask our office team to submit any receipts to your dental insurance. You can also ask to book a follow-up appointment or treatment if necessary. Our dentist will usually tell you when they believe your next appointment should be, and you should do your best to follow that timeline.

Visit Blossom Family Dental

If you require a dental checkup, don’t hesitate to visit our team of dedicated dental professionals at Blossom Family Dental. We are happy to provide general, restorative, cosmetic, and children’s dentistry near you. Our team prioritizes your dental health and well-being above all else. Please get in touch with us to book a consultation today!

Make a change TODAY.

Call our office at (780) 960-4242 for your appointment!