How Long Does It Take For a Tooth Extraction To Heal?

how long does it take for a tooth extraction to heal

Teeth extractions near you are a standard dental procedure that can be essential for several reasons, including severe decay, infection, crowding, or injury. While the idea of having a tooth removed can be alarming, understanding the healing process may help ease anxiety and encourage a faster recovery. Furthermore, patients often wonder how long it will take them to heal afterward.

In the post below, we’ll go over various phases of healing and what you can anticipate throughout your recovery journey.

What is Tooth Extraction?

Removing a tooth from its jawbone and gum socket is a tooth extraction. It’s a practical option for many dental problems, from severe decay and infection to crowding and wisdom tooth complications.

Types of Tooth Extraction

Simple Extraction

The removal of a tooth that is visible and accessible above the gumline. Dental forceps often do this after treating the area with local anesthetic.

Surgical Extraction

This is necessary for teeth that are damaged, impacted (wholly or partially covered by gum tissue), or challenging to reach. Surgical extractions involve an incision in the gum and removing a tiny amount of bone.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

  • Severe Decay: When a tooth is severely decaying or damaged and cannot be repaired with fillings or crowns, extraction can be recommended to avoid further infection.
  • Periodontal disease: In its advanced stages, periodontal disease can result in tooth shifting and bone loss, necessitating tooth extraction.
  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth (third molars) often do not have enough room to erupt correctly, resulting in impaction, discomfort, infection, or damage to neighbouring teeth. In such cases, extraction is recommended.
  • Overcrowding: In orthodontics, teeth are occasionally pulled to provide room for optimal tooth alignment.
  • Infection: Extraction can be the only alternative if medications and root canal therapy fail to cure an advanced tooth infection.
  • Preparation for Orthodontic Treatment: To get the best outcomes, specific orthodontic treatments include the removal of particular teeth.
  • Fractured Teeth: Extraction may be required for teeth with significant fractures that cannot be healed.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

Step 1) Assessment: Before teeth extraction in Spruce Grove, the dentist or oral surgeon will discuss your medical history and might perform x-rays to determine the location and condition of the tooth.

Step 2) Anesthesia: A local anesthetic is applied to numb the extraction area. Sedation can be additionally used for individuals who are afraid of the dentist or for complicated extractions.

Step 3) Extraction: The dentist employs specialized devices (forceps or dental elevators) to remove the tooth from its socket. A small cut is often created to access the tooth during surgical extraction. After that, the tooth is tapped back and forth to separate it from the ligaments and bone.

Step 4) Closing the Wound: After the tooth is extracted, the dentist can use a gauze pad to reduce bleeding and aid in the formation of a blood clot in the socket. Stitches can be used to seal the wound in certain situations.

Healing after Tooth Extraction

Immediate Post-Extraction Period (Day 1-2)

It is common to have some bleeding from the extraction site in the initial days of a tooth extraction. Usually, your dentist in Spruce Grove can offer you a piece of gauze to bite down on to help control the bleeding. It is essential to avoid disrupting the extraction site during this period to avoid dislodging the blood clot. This blood clot is necessary for healing because it protects the underlying bone and nerves.

Days 3-7: Initial Healing and Tissue Formation

As the days pass, you will likely observe some reduction in swelling and discomfort. The early healing of the wound occurs during this time. Over the extraction site, new tissue grows, eventually covering the socket. Proper oral hygiene requires gently washing your mouth with a saltwater solution as directed by your dentist. Alcohol-containing mouthwash should be avoided since it can hinder recovery.

Days 7-10: Dissolving Stitches and Continued Healing

If you receive dissolvable stitches, they can begin to disintegrate around this time. If non-dissolvable stitches were used, a follow-up consultation was to have them removed. Soft tissue creation proceeds and the wound will progressively heal. You might experience some slight soreness, but it should be much better than it was initially.

Weeks 2-3: Bone Healing and Gum Restoration

During this stage, the socket where the tooth was removed heals more complicatedly. The underlying bone begins to repair, and the gum tissue reforms and reshapes itself. You might experience irritation or tingling as the gum tissue recovers. Maintain proper dental hygiene by not brushing or flossing forcefully near the healing area.

Weeks 4-6: Continued Bone Remodeling

The bone at the extraction site will continue to rebuild during the next few weeks. The blood clot developed following the extraction is progressively replaced by new bone. This surgery aids in the stabilization of the jawbone and its preparation for future dental operations such as dental implants.

Months 3-6: Final Stages of Healing

Most of the initial healing should be accomplished by this point. The gum tissue will mostly heal, and the bone will have reformed significantly. Any soreness or sensitivity that remains should not be severe. It is important to note that the complete healing time frames might vary from person to person and may be influenced by factors such as overall health, age, and the complexity of the extraction.

Factors Determining Recovery Time

The time it takes to recover from a tooth extraction varies depending on several factors. Understanding these elements can help you prepare more effectively for your recovery process. The following are the main factors that might affect healing time:

  • Type of extraction
  • Number of teeth extracted
  • Overall health
  • Age
  • Bone density and quality
  • Oral hygiene
  • Following post-operative treatment instructions
  • Blood clot formation
  • Medications
  • Complications
  • Individual healing pace

While specific standards can offer an expected healing time, your experience might differ. If you are concerned about the timeline of your healing or are experiencing unusual symptoms, make an appointment with our dentist near you.

Schedule Your Consultation Now for Expert Guidance

Be sure to schedule your consultation with Blossom Family Dental. Our professionals are ready to appropriately guide you about tooth extractions and ensure an easy path to optimal recovery. Your dental health is our priority, and we’re dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and assistance every step of the way.

Don’t wait; come in and book a session today!

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